Monday, November 23, 2009

Returning to My Roots

After almost three years working in corporate America, I made a decision this fall to return to my roots. This meant quickly finding a job as a race coach and really starting up Chinese Downhill. We had been working on the site for over six months and the more I connect with people, the more I realized how much I missed the ski culture. I decided to use my racing experience and contacts to land a job as a coach at one of the Eastern academies. After a couple weeks of searching, I was contacted by NYSEF and offered an assistant J3 position. It was perfect. I had only raced at Lake Placid once (when I was 13), but still remembered the town and knew it would be the perfect place to spend my winter.

It wasn't just working on Chinese Downhill that brought me back to skiing. Someone asked me recently what I would consider a perfect day. My perfect days have been spent on the mountain. Getting off the lift on a blue bird day, tightening my boots, and heading down the trail. Whether it was groomed, death cookies, or powder, the feeling at the top of the lift always remains the same. Pure happiness to be on the mountain. I wanted that back, and knew that the city could never offer me that same perfect happiness.

So here is the start of something new, in order to get back to the root of what makes me who I am.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Beta Testing, Moving, Oh My

Yup, there has definitely been a lack of posts lately. My bad.

After three years of working in "corporate" America and six years living in Beantown, I have finally made a decision to do more than talk about making a change. There is something undeniably alluring about a ski town. A close knit group of people tied together by a common bond and passion for chasing the fluffy, white powder. In the east, the powder is usually replaced by boiler plate, golf balls, and (occasional groomers) but I think it makes us stronger. For this reason I am moving back, and seeing how it goes. My brother is calling it "the experiment," but pretty excited to start on my adventure.

In addition, a little of 8 months ago three Bostonians met at the Alchemist to talk about starting a ski/snowboard community. With little more than social media and developers skills, we began building out our plans for Chinese Downhill. A week and a half ago we launched into beta, I think there are few times in my life where I have been more nervous. However, things are going GREAT! Our beta testers love the site so far. We hope to open it up to everyone within the next couple of weeks. Can't wait.

So, the long and short of it, I was a slacker, expect much more from me as winter comes and the east turns into a winter oasis of awesomeness.